Evacuation Guides for Residents and Businesses

These are plans of actions to be taken in the case of an emergency that requires you to evacuate or shelter in place. There are separate plans for residents and for businesses.

Residents Action Plan

The purpose of this plan is to set forth clear actions to be taken in the case of an emergency that requires you to evacuate or shelter-in-place (SIP). Every resident is encouraged to become familiar with the following steps.

  1. Developing household specific evacuation and shelter-in-place plan.
  2. Understand and explain the plan to family members.
  3. Establish home evacuation routes.
  4. Designate meeting (staging) areas.
  5. Obtain necessary supplies (towels, duct tape, radio, etc.)
  6. conduct drills.

If you are told to evacuate…

  1. Stop what you’re doing.
  2. As quickly as possible, leave the area you are in following evacuation routes. Do not run or remain behind to attend to personal matters or gather belongings. You and your family should be familiar with your home evacuation routes and meeting places.
  3. All family members should assemble at the designated meeting place.
  4. All persons should be accounted for
  5. If anyone is missing, contact public safety
  6. Any search and rescue effort will be conducted by public safety. Do not re-enter affected areas.
  7. No one can re-enter the evacuated areas until given permission by public safety.

If you are told to shelter-in-place…

  1. Designate a SIP location in your home that can accommodate all family members.
  2. Duct tape and towels are stored in _______________________.
  3. Take all family members to the designated SIP location.
  4. Turn off heaters or air conditioning.
  5. Close all exterior doors and windows.
  6. Apply towels and duct tape to seal all door and window cracks against air penetration from outside the home.
  7. Make sure all family members are accounted for.
  8. Listen to a local radio station KCPW FM 91.9 or KSL Radio AM 1160 for further information.
  9. Do not call 911 for information.
  10. You will be contacted by public safety with further instructions.
  11. Do not leave the shelter until told to do so by public safety.

Business Action Plan

The purpose of this action plan is to set forth clear actions to be taken in the case of an emergency that requires you to evacuate or shelter-in-place (SIP). Every business is encouraged to designate a “Safety Coordinator” who would be responsible for:

  1. Developing a business specific evacuation and shelter-in-place (SIP) plan.
  2. Understand and explain the plan to employees.
  3. Establish building evacuation routes.
  4. Designate meeting (staging) areas.
  5. Obtain necessary supplies (towels, duct tape and radio).
  6. Conduct drills.

If you are told to evacuate…

  1. Stop all work.
  2. Bring moving equipment to a “safe” stopped position.
  3. As quickly as possible, leave the work area as directed by established evacuation routes. Do not run or remain behind to attend to personal matters or gather belongings. Evacuation routes and designated staging areas should be printed by each exit to the building you are in.
  4. Assemble at the designated staging area, unless told to proceed to another area by your supervisor or the safety coordinator.
  5. Do not leave the assembly area unless specifically directed to do so by your supervisor or safety coordinator.
  6. All persons should be accounted for by their immediate supervisors and a head count should be conducted by the safety coordinator. Contractors should receive a site orientation that includes what to do in the event of an evacuation.
  7. Immediate supervisors will be responsible for those persons reporting to them.
  8. Business visitors will be the responsibility of those employees they are seeing. Contractors are the responsibility of those persons administering the individual contracts.
  9. Employees shall assist all visitors in evacuation the area and help keep an orderly evacuation.
  10. Upon completion of the head count, the safety coordinator will present an “All Present and Accounted For” report or report for missing persons. This information should be given to public safety. All personnel will remain at the assembly area until given further instructions.
  11. Any search and rescue effort will be conducted by public safety. Businesses should not attempt to find unaccounted persons. Do not re-enter affected areas.
  12. No one can re-enter the evacuated areas until given permission by public safety.

If you are told to Shelter-In-Place (SIP)…

  1. Designate a SIP location in your place of business that can accommodate all employees and public on site.
  2. Duck tape and towels are stored in ____________________.
  3. Organize all employees and public in the surrounding area into the designated SIP location.
  4. Turn off any handler main switches.
  5. Close all exterior doors and windows.
  6. Apply towels and duct tape to seal all door and window cracks against air penetration from outside the building.
  7. Take a head count
  8. Listen to a local radio station KCPW FM 91.9 or KSL Radio AM 1160 for further information.
  9. Do not call 911 for information.
  10. You will be contacted by public safety with further instructions.
  11. Do not leave the shelter until told to do so by public safety.